Re: vacuum size & strength

Started by Henry, November 13, 2008, 05:39:20 AM

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Hello Phil
I found your forum and I think what you have designed and sre sharing is great. Here is my question.
I have a central house vac that moves 95 CFM and has 135" of water p/u & 1 1/4 hose
I am wanting to use this to suck lead shot off the ground at my local skeet range.
That's why I need the big suction.
I have a system in place to seperate the lead shot from the sand, grass, small rocks & dirt but I don't want the filter to plug in the vacuum with all the junk.
Will the low cfm, 1 1/4 hose & high vacuum cause your cyclone to not work well?
Also from all the posts I have read it looks like a 10 Gal can would be a good size.
Am I correct in assuming that?
Kind Regards, Henry

phil (admin)

It is pretty hard to say whether it will work for that purpose or not.   ???