Does impeller direction matter?

Started by Bulldog8, December 15, 2010, 11:22:14 AM

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I am in the planning stages of a "tophat" style baffle. (Similar to VAWoodworkers) I currently have my DC in a corner of the shop with branches running down the two adjacent walls. The machines that produce the largest amount of dust and chips (Planer, jointer and drum sander) are on the left hand branch. Therefore, I would like to have the inlet to the separator come in from the left. However, the rotation of the Griz 1029 is in the opposite direction.

Does this really matter? I read on Bill Pentz's site that you should have the cyclone and impeller moving in the same direction for optimum air flow.

I don't think (completely unscientific) that the suction side of the impeller swirls the air, but this is a complete quesstimation on my part.

Any thoughts on this??


phil (admin)